PROJECT UPDATE: Board Books for Beginning Learners at East Falmouth Elementary School
In order to provide a more equitable experience to all of our students when they are in the library this grant provided 24 new diverse board books, all purchased through Eight Cousins Books, that can be borrowed by these students.
This school year East Falmouth Elementary School is home to all of the preschool classes throughout Falmouth Public Schools, including the TIP (Therapeutic Intervention Program) preschool classes who previously were at the Teaticket School. These preschool classrooms and teachers specifically work with students on the autism spectrum. Each week the preschool classes visit our school library to participate in book exchange, where they choose a new picture book to borrow and bring home to share with their families. They are always so excited to find new titles they previously haven’t read and explored! While there has always been great success with preschool students finding books to borrow, some of our TIP students and families are more comfortable with only borrowing and reading books that have been published in the format of a “board book,” which is different from most of the picture books we have available in our library.
In order to provide a more equitable experience to all of our students when they are in the library this grant provided 24 new diverse board books, all purchased through Eight Cousins Books, that can be borrowed by these students. The books chosen to be a part of this grant feature a diverse selection of characters, holidays, topics, and more. Additionally, due to the smaller size of board books, and to provide easier access to this specific book format, bins were purchased for the board books to be kept in on the shelves.